bazár, predaj, inzercia, predám

Garage parking in Bratislava - district Zahorska Bystrica

Kategória: Garáže

I offer a garage parking lot, size approx. 2.4m x 5.5m for a long-term rent.
Price includes all energy cost and fees, payment in advance:

for 12 months - 590e (49e a month)
for 6 months - 330e (55e a month)
for 3 months - 180e (60e a month)

Security collateral (refundable for the keys / remote control) is 100e.

If you are interested, please write me an e-mail and state your desirable location and nr. of parking lots.
You will recieve an official invoice for the parking rent (tax deductible), the company is not a VAT payer.


Parking is also available for motorcycles, size 1,3m x 2,4m for a discounted price.
Garage parking in Bratislava - district Zahorska Bystrica
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